Telegram continues to represent a worthy competitor for WhatsApp and other instant-messaging apps. Telegram X, meaning the alternative Telegram client that’s based on TDLib, and that features higher speed, some slicker animations, and even experimental features, is now receiving its new update.
The new update is available in the form of a simple APK file, and anybody can grab it as long as he has an Android phone. To be more precise, the least accepted version of the mobile operating system is Android 4.1, but surely that cannot pose a problem to anybody these days.
What’s new
The new Telegram X beta APK brings plenty of new stuff, which means that you must grab a pen to take notes:
- Reactions
- 60FPS playback for Animated Stickers and also support in the case of dynamic refresh rate screens
- The possibility to leave a quick Reaction by swiping and pulling a message
- Toggle between approving new members on Manage Group Screen
- The user can select a maximum of 4 Reactions that are available with gestures
- The minimized reactions mode setting.
- The notification reliability has been improved
- Supported messages, including custom emoji and files that exceed 2GB
Also, the new update for Telegram X brings 50 other improvements and bug fixes that weren’t mentioned above.
Telegram X was released seven years ago, and it works on any device that’s running on Android 5 or any later version of Google’s mobile operating system.
The download size of Telegram X is 23MB. From the Google Play Store, the app has already been downloaded more than 50 million times.