Google’s Find My Device App Has Got A Pretty Major Facelift Thanks To A New Upgrade

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Credit: Google

If you’ve been wishing that Google’s Find My Device app would get a facelift, we have some great news for you, as the firm is about to roll out a significant upgrade that will give the app a whole new appearance and feel by using the Material You style that Google has developed for its own products.

We can see that a significant amount of work has been done to give the application a fresh new design just observing how it now appears. The revamped appearance brings the app into conformity with the most current iteration of Android’s Material Design, which was debuted as Material You with Android 12, and then further developed with Android 13. Along with its fresh new style, the app now displays connected devices in the foreground when it is launched and has, at long last, a dark mode, which many users will undoubtedly welcome.

In regard to more details, Rahman continues by stating that this update also prepares the groundwork for better tracking, which will be implemented at some point in the not-too-distant future. Users will be able to follow their device even while it is offline thanks to this new tracking mechanism, which is one of the benefits of the approach. The device’s most recent known position will be encrypted, which is of the utmost importance.

The version of the Find My Device app that is currently available in the Google Play Store has a build number of 2.4.065-3, while the version with the improved user interface has a build number of 2.5.001. If you are not the sort of person who can be patient while waiting for an update to become available in the Play Store, you can always download it via a third-party service such as APK Mirror.

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