In the near future, Telegram may launch a paid membership option for its customers. There are no payments or subscriptions required for the platform’s features at this moment, including exchanging messages, uploading and sharing multimedia files, utilizing multiple accounts, and storing conversations and material in the cloud. However, a well-known reverse engineer has discovered proof of Telegram’s premium service.
Reverse engineer and well-known smartphone developer Alessandro Paluzzi tweeted a screenshot on May 27, 2022. When new user signs up for Telegram, they are greeted with this message. A noticeable difference can be seen between what Telegram displays and the message in this image indicating Telegram is embarking on a premium version for its subscribers.
Ads may be shown to Telegram users who aren’t paying. When a new user joins Telegram, they have presented with a greeting that reads “Telegram is free forever. No ads. No subscription fees.” However, the image provided by Paluzzi states “Telegram provides free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media.” which contradicts the initial message a bit. As a reminder, the second message does not mention an ad-free or subscription-free experience.
Which of the following does this imply? First, Telegram may begin displaying adverts to non-paying consumers when it introduces a premium membership plan for users. This would allow Telegram to generate revenue. Premium Telegram users will get a badge next to their name, as well as unique stickers and responses, says Paluzzi. The premium subscription’s pricing and features are unknown at this time, as is other information.
#Telegram is working on a subscription plan called "Telegram Premium" 👀
ℹ️ With "Telegram Premium" you can unlock premium stickers, additional reactions and more.
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) May 1, 2022
A fresh upgrade for Telegram users was published in April, which included features including personalized notification tones, mute durations, and more. Custom warnings could be created from users’ favorite songs or even memes, and the length of a chat’s silence could be customized.