GTA 5 Error Code 107 on PC: How to Fix It


Grand Theft Auto 5 is a game that has been enjoyed by millions of players all over the world. But like any other game, it is not immune to errors and glitches. One of the most frustrating errors that players can encounter when playing GTA 5 on PC is Error Code 107. This error can prevent you from launching the game or connecting to the online servers, which can be a major buzzkill for any gamer. However, there are several ways to fix the GTA 5 Error Code 107 on PC, so don’t despair just yet!

Restart PC and router

The first and easiest method to fix Error Code 107 is to restart your computer and router. This will refresh your internet connection and may resolve any network issues that could be causing the error. It’s as simple as shutting down your computer and unplugging your router from the power source for about 30 seconds. Then, plug the router back in and wait for it to fully restart before turning your computer back on.

Disable your antivirus and firewall

Sometimes, your firewall or antivirus software can interfere with your internet connection and prevent you from connecting to the GTA 5 servers. If you suspect this may be the case, try temporarily disabling your firewall and antivirus software, and then launch the game. If the game launches without Error Code 107, then the issue is likely caused by your security software. In this case, you can add GTA 5 to your firewall and antivirus exceptions list to prevent this issue from happening again in the future.

Reset your internet connection

Another method to fix Error Code 107 is to reset your internet connection. Simply disconnect your modem or router from the power source for a few minutes and then reconnect it. This will refresh your internet connection and may resolve any network issues that are causing the error.

Verify game files

If none of the above methods work, then it is possible that the Error Code 107 is caused by a corrupted game file. In this case, you can verify your game files using the Steam client. To do this, open the Steam client and go to your game library. Right-click on Grand Theft Auto 5 and select Properties. Go to the Local Files tab and click on Verify Integrity of Game Files. Wait for the process to complete and then try launching the game again. If any files are found to be corrupted or missing, Steam will automatically download and replace them.

In conclusion, Error Code 107 can be a major source of frustration for GTA 5 players on PC, but it is not the end of the world. By trying one or more of the methods outlined above, you can fix the issue and get back to playing GTA 5 without any further problems. Don’t let this pesky error ruin your gaming experience – try these fixes and get back in the game!



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