With the conclusion of The Matrix Saga, Neo’s journey in the Matrix universe came to an end. In December 2021, the fourth instalment of The Matrix franchise will be released. ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ is the title of the franchise’s fourth and final instalment. From the beginning, the entire franchise grew in popularity. The fourth part was no different. The Matrix Resurrections has proven to be one of the most amazing films of the year 2021.
It’s been 18 years since the final instalment of the original Matrix trilogy, The Matrix Reloaded, was released in 2003. However, we have received conflicting reactions from the audience after they viewed the 44th instalment. According to some, the fourth instalment is very similar to The Matrix Reloaded from the original trilogy.
Fans who saw the film in theatres on December 22nd described it as amusing and humorous. As a result, critics and fans are slamming Lana Wachowski, the filmmaker.
In the course of the year 2000, the fourth edition of The Matrix franchise was released in theatres all around the world. The movie displays such advancement that fans and critics can criticise in this genre of technology and life hacks that is progressing at a terrifying rate. The series’s second and third instalments cannot even come close to matching the original’s shock value.
Movie reviews
The Matrix Resurrection, the 4th instalment of the franchise, is no exception, as per fans and critics. Critics have been harsh in their assessments of the picture. Some have commented that this film is strange, intriguing, surprisingly humorous, and ambitious to a fault, for instance. The film as a whole is a bit of a mishmash. However, fans of ‘The Matrix’ will like it regardless of the facts.