Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a Japanese anime series that’s very popular. It’s a spin-off of the original anime series Naruto. Boruto is based on the manga series by Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto. The series is directed by Hiroyuki Yamashita, Noriyuki Abe, Masayuki Kōda , and Toshirō Fujii, and produced together with Kōichi Machiyama, Makoto Hijikata, and Pierrot Studios.
As you already know, music plays a very important part in the anime series, so Yasuharu Takanashi and Yaiba are doing a great job in offering us the best musical moments from the series.
We have written this article to give you everything you need to know about Episode 225.
Boruto in a nutshell
Boruto was released on the 5th of April, 2017. We see what happens after Naruto ends, and we get to meet Naruto’s son, Boruto. He’s on his quest to defeat Kawaki during the destruction of his village.
Boruto wants to impress his dad by doing well in the Chunin exam.
Episode 225 release date
New episodes premiere every Wednesday. Episode 225 will be released on the 21st of November, 2021, at 5:30 pm JST.
What’s the plot?
We see Houki defeat Inoji. Iwabe and Wasabi fight during the Chunin Exam, and they both really want the title of Hokage. We’ll see who’s going to win this one.
What happened in episode 224?
Wasabi was very happy to have her family come to cheer for her in the Chunin Exam.
We learn from the Wasabi’s family that Hokage are not normal Shinobi, and that they cannot become one. Wasabi then thinks that was she learned from the tale Iwabe told her regarding Legendary Jutsu is not actually real. Wasabi saves him when she summons Legendary Jutsu after he falls unconscious.